Earthquake Insurance

Earthquake risk is real. Southern California experiences about 10,000 earthquakes each year. Most of them are too small to be felt and go unnoticed. Several hundred though measure above a magnitude 3.0. These earthquakes result in visible shaking, broken windows, and can even overturn unstable objects.

Then there are the less common, but more severe earthquakes. These measure magnitude 5.0 or greater. Since 2000, Southern California has had eight such instances. That includes a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in 2010 that result in more than a billion dollars worth of damage.  

When it comes to earthquakes it is not a matter of if, but when. Make sure you and your family are prepared. Even if you have a condo, a mobile home, or are just renting, you can get coverage. Join more than one million families across the state protecting their future with an earthquake insurance policy.

- California Earthquake Authority

"Scientists say there is a 99 percent chance of a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake striking our state within the next 30 years."